Building Supplies & Solutions , as a timber supplying company recognizes that they have a responsibility to the environment.
We care about timber and take great pride in producing high-quality products while minimizing the impact production has on the environment.
Click For Our FSC® Certifictaion.
We are proud to support the FSC® in promoting responsible management of the world’s forests. The organisation was founded in 1993 in response to public concern about deforestation and demand for a trustworthy wood-labelling scheme. There are national working groups in more than 50 countries. FSC® UK is a registered charity.
Our Environmental Policy
Building Supplies & Solutions recognizes a responsibility to its customers, suppliers and staff to base its commercial activities on well managed forests.
Building Supplies & Solutions is committed to sourcing all timber from legal sources and will seek evidence of compliance from suppliers that they are operating in accordance with the laws of their country.
Building Supplies & Solutions will not source any timber species prohibited under Appendix 1 of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
The company will seek from suppliers:
a) Evidence of commitment to continuous improvement in environmental performance.
b) Clearest practicable information on the sources of wood products.
c) Evidence of good forest management practice at the original source of wood products.
Building Supplies & Solutions will only accept or use labels or certificates which include claims of environmental soundness or sustainability if these are supported by publicly available standards drawn up in a fully participatory, transparent, and objective manner and backed by independent inspection.
Building Supplies & Solutions will not encourage boycotts or bans on specific species of timber. Notwithstanding this, the company will cease to source any species if its supply is in breach of Commitments to legality and endangered species.
Building Supplies & Solutions will strive at all times to avoid misleading and unsubstantiated environmental claims in relation to wood products supplies.
Building Supplies & Solutions will ensure that all employees associated with timber purchasing are encouraged to act in accordance with this policy and are given appropriate education and training to do so if required.
Building Supplies & Solutions will define its own programmes, and establish its own objectives and targets, to achieve continuous improvement in environmental performance in accordance with our Policy.
Building Supplies & Solutions Ltd & EU Timber Regulation (EUTR)
The new EU Timber regulation came into force on 3 rd March 2013. It prohibits the placing of illegally harvested timber and timber products on the EU market.
It requires that the operator placing timber and timber products on the EU market for the first-time exercise due diligence to mitigate the risk that the timber has been illegally harvested.
The 3 Key elements of our due diligence systems are:
We only purchase materials from FSC®/PEFC certified companies; we maintain a list of all approved suppliers. In order to ensure we can provide traceability and monitor suppliers we will seek the following:
a.) Evidence of commitment to continuous improvement in environmental performance.
b.) Clearest practicable information on the sources of wood products.
c.) Evidence of good forest management practise at the original source of wood products.
The company is committed to sourcing all timber from legal sources and will seek evidence of compliance from suppliers that they are operating in accordance with laws of their own country. The company unreservedly condemns illegal logging practises and will keep informed of international processes and changes in legislation. To minimise the risk, we only purchase from approved FSC® /PEFC certified companies.
When the assessment shows that there is a risk of illegal timber in the supply chain, we will insist the supplier provides additional information regarding the whole of the supply chain, including any third-party verification in a written declaration we will also carry out, if necessary onsite inspection. Should any corrective measures be required, will be put in writing to the supplier and an agreed time frame and cancellation of any further orders until resolved.
EUTR (EU Timber Regulations) / or UKTR (UK Timber Regulations), also requires that Traders keep records of what timber and timber products have been bought, and from whom and where it was sold on to and keep these records for 5 years.
Under the terms of the EUTR/ or UKTR we can confirm that Avon Timber Merchants Ltd will be considered a Trader, and as such will be able to produce where necessary all the appropriate evidence required to demonstrate compliance to this regulation.